2022-2023 Leadership Opportunities

The Nominating Committee is currently accepting names for open PTO Executive Board positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Names will be accepted until May 5th. A full slate of officer positions will be presented to the general PTO membership for a vote at the in-person May 12, 2022 General PTO Meeting. All parents or legal guardians of children attending Clearwater, as well as school administrators, and teachers are automatically members of the Clearwater PTO and have voting privileges.

The Nominating Committee is currently accepting names for open PTO Executive Board positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Names will be accepted until May 5th. A full slate of officer positions will be presented to the general PTO membership for a vote at the in-person May 12, 2022 General PTO Meeting. All parents or legal guardians of children attending Clearwater, as well as school administrators, and teachers are automatically members of the Clearwater PTO and have voting privileges.

What is involved

Joining the PTO Executive Board is a great way to be a part of making a difference at your child's school. It's also a chance to connect with Clearwater staff and families. The Board meets once a month to plan events, review the PTO financials, award teacher grants, and find opportunities to support the Clearwater community.

The available positions for next year's board can be found below. If one of these sounds like a great fit for you, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page to let us know. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, and we would be happy to connect you with the person who holds that position this year so you can find out what it's all about!

Available Positions

Co-Vice Presidents (2 positions)


  1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or the inability of the President to act.

  2. The Vice-President position is expected to become the President of the Organization the year immediately following the year of election as President-Elect.

  3. Be an ex-officio member of all ad hoc committees.

  4. Serve on the Parent Council of the Metropolitan School District Washington Township or determine a designee.

  5. Act as parliamentarian at all Executive Board meetings.

  6. Be Chairman of the By-Laws Committee.

  7. Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.

  8. File all annual reports from ad hoc committees.

  9. Assist with collecting and receiving monies from any fund raiser or event and confirm all bank deposits made.

Recording Secretary


  1. Keep electronic minutes of all meetings of the members of the Organization and the Executive Board in the electronic minute book, and make available written reports of these meetings to its members by posting online.

  2. Upon written request, exhibit the record of minutes of all meetings to any members of the Organization.

  3. Each month submit written copies of the minutes from the meeting of the members of the Organization to the President, Treasurer, and Vice-President, to the Teacher Representative and Principal of the School.

Communications Secretary


Manage communications and marketing for the PTO including, but not limited to PTO newsletters, social media, email broadcasts, website, bulletin boards, etc.

Assistant Treasurer


  1. Perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or the inability of the Treasurer to act.

  2. The Assistant Treasurer position is expected to become the Treasurer of the Organization the year immediately following the year of election as Treasurer-Elect.

  3. Assist with collecting and receiving monies from any fund raiser or event and confirm all bank deposits made.

Co-Vice Presidents (2 positions)


  1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or the inability of the President to act.
  2. The Vice-President position is expected to become the President of the Organization the year immediately following the year of election as President-Elect.
  3. Be an ex-officio member of all ad hoc committees.
  4. Serve on the Parent Council of the Metropolitan School District Washington Township or determine a designee.
  5. Act as parliamentarian at all Executive Board meetings.
  6. Be Chairman of the By-Laws Committee.
  7. Serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
  8. File all annual reports from ad hoc committees.
  9. Assist with collecting and receiving monies from any fund raiser or event and confirm all bank deposits made.

Recording Secretary


  1. Keep electronic minutes of all meetings of the members of the Organization and the Executive Board in the electronic minute book, and make available written reports of these meetings to its members by posting online.
  2. Upon written request, exhibit the record of minutes of all meetings to any members of the Organization.
  3. Each month submit written copies of the minutes from the meeting of the members of the Organization to the President, Treasurer, and Vice-President, to the Teacher Representative and Principal of the School.

Communications Secretary


Manage communications and marketing for the PTO including, but not limited to PTO newsletters, social media, email broadcasts, website, bulletin boards, etc.

Assistant Treasurer


  1. Perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or the inability of the Treasurer to act.

  2. The Assistant Treasurer position is expected to become the Treasurer of the Organization the year immediately following the year of election as Treasurer-Elect.

  3. Assist with collecting and receiving monies from any fund raiser or event and confirm all bank deposits made.

Assistant Treasurer


  1. Perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence or the inability of the Treasurer to act.
  2. The Assistant Treasurer position is expected to become the Treasurer of the Organization the year immediately following the year of election as Treasurer-Elect.
  3. Assist with collecting and receiving monies from any fund raiser or event and confirm all bank deposits made.

Nomination Form

Nomination Form